RefugeesIN team has participated and will continue to participate regularly in events (covering the same or related topics), to present the RefugeesIN Project, its approach and main results. Presentations will be here displayed.
- RefugeesIN at the Conference “Adult Educator in The Winds of Social Change”, organized by ANDRAS (September 29, 2017, Tallinn)
- Maria Helena Antunes & Graça Gonçalves (AidLearn) having contributed to the Reflection with a Poster presentation under the topic: Cinema – Powerful Tool for Adult Educators“.
- The Conference was organised under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU.
- Further info
- Social Umbria Hackathon (October, 21, 2017)
- RefugeesIN presented during the ‘Innovation in Europe’ Workshop as one of the best practice of social innovation carry out at national and international level.
- The workshop aimed at presenting some good innovation practices implemented in the educational and cultural field thanks to the Erasmus +, Creative Europe, Connecting Europe Facility funding programs ( CEF) and Horizon2020.
- Irene Morici (CSF Senior Project Manager) and Anna Lodeserto (Experienced project manager, policy expert, transnational campaign coordinator, trainer and professional facilitator with a special interest and expertise in the social inclusion of migrants and marginalised groups multiculturalism, and new technologies) held the Workshop.
- RefugeesIN presented at the International Conference Live2Work
- Increasing the chances for successful integration of people in situations of professional vulnerability, January 11th and 12th 2019, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal
- Maria Helena Antunes, the RefugeesIN Coordinator, made a presentation of the project, which ended with the screening of the short documentary film Daud, at the Panel 4: Multiculturality, Inclusion and Social Justice, January 11th 2019.
If you consider that our participation is relevant in one of your events, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will do our best to meet your request!