Do you believe
- On the importance of cinema, European films and the RefugeesIN Pack for stimulating social inclusion of refugees/asylum seekers in today's European societies?
- Everyone is entitled to take an active part in society without distinction of any kind?
- Everyone shall develop and use his or her competencies to full potential?
- RefugeesIN Pack enables adult educators to acquire audio-visual and ICT skills and improve cultural and literacy competencies?
- RefugeesIN approach ameliorates refugees/asylum seekers’ understanding of their changing position and striving for social inclusion into multicultural societies?
- Possible to promote social inclusion by enabling adult educators and refugees/asylum seekers to shoot their own documentaries based on their self-reflection and life experience?
If the answers to these questions are positive, then please fill in the next support declaration and explain in a succinct way how you are using/intend to use the RefugeesIN Pack.
Thank you so much for your cooperation and support!