Conference and Film Festival - Greece 2018
Cinema for Social Inclusion
29-30 November 2018
The event took place in the Cultural Center “Bios”, in Athens.
The aim of the event was to present the RefugeesIN project, its useful educational material and its results. Furthermore, the goal was to show the power of cinema, both as an educational tool and as a means of reflection of social issues. Cinema can be used for breaching stereotypes and promoting social inclusion of groups that are in risk of exclusion. This event also brought out the role of cinema in recording the recent refugee crisis, but also refugees’ issues more broadly.
The Event included a general presentation of the recent refugee crisis, the challenges of the EU and more extensively the challenges that refugees in Greece are facing. A presentation of the Project and its outputs had been followed. The 12 RefugeesIN documentaries had been screened and a discussion with the participants took place. Furthermore, other films and documentaries by Greek film makers were screened.
A keynote panel discussion on the role of Greek cinema in depicting refugees’ issues before and after the recent crisis took place. Furthermore, a discussion on the educational aspect of cinema took place.