- From The Very Beginning The French People Know That They Are French. I Knew That I Was Jewish Bukovina Speaking German. But Who Am I?
- Dušana Findeisen
- Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje
- New technologies support the exile from countries at war...
- Dušana Findeisen
- Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje
- Searching for Role Models in European Films on Refugees
- Dušana Findeisen
- Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje
- Kaj bi storile naša mama, teta, prijateljica? Družbeno angažirano filmsko ustvarjanje v projektu RefugeesIN
- Dušana Findeisen
- Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje
- Refugees have names and remember stories in cinema in Lisbon
- Raquel Rio, Agência Lusa, 11/21/2018
- "Each refugee has a name and a story to tell. Daud and Ismail show their, next Thursday in Lisbon, at RefugeesIN Festival, a European project that aims to contribute to the inclusion through the cinema." (article in Portuguese)
- The inclusion of refugees also involves the "catharsis" of the cinema
- Raquel Rio, Agência Lusa, set. 10. 2018
- "The cinema can contribute to the inclusion of refugees, telling success stories and countering negative stereotypes, as proposed by RefugeesIN, a European project aimed at combating discrimination and encouraging intercultural dialogue." (article in Portuguese)
- The path towards social inclusion: a story of role models and transformative learning
- Ana Moreira, Ana Catarina Carvalho, Maria Helena Antunes
- AidLearn, HR Consulting