
Kakršenkoli dokumentaren film delaš, ga pravzaprav delaš o sebi
Intervju s slovensko ustvarjalko dokumentarnih filmov Heleno Koder, ki je nastal kot podlaga razumevanju te zvrsti in podlaga razvoju projekta Begunski časi. Celoten intervju si lahko preberete na tej povezavi.
Filmska skupina UTŽO
Intervju na radiu Prvi RTV SLO, oddaja STORŽ, 1.3.2018. V pogovoru so sodelovali Dušana Findeisen - vodja projekta, Urška Majaron - koordinatorka projekta, Simona Jerala - strokovna podpora za režijo in zvok in Uroš Trampuš - udeleženec testne izvedbe tečaja RefugeesIN. Pogovor lahko poslušate na tej povezavi.
The power of culture in tolerance and social cohesion
Gabriela Costa interviews Maria Helena Antunes, RefugeesIN Project Coordinator, VER – valores, Ética e Responsabilidade, Nov. 29, 2018
“Stimulating "critical thinking," raising the level of "digital literacy and media literacy" and developing greater understanding and responsiveness "to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity" are essential parts of the response to the refugee crisis in Europe and to the resistance "to all forms of discrimination and indoctrination." Cinema "can and should" be used to break negative stereotypes, and this is what the RefugeesIN project does, whose Film Festival held last week in Lisbon, distinguished the Portuguese documentary "Daud" (interview in Portuguese)
The relevant role of cinema in Adult Education
Maria Helena Antunes, the RefugeesIN Coordinator, gave an interview in Milan, to the European Digital Learning Network, where she highlights the relevant role of cinema in Adult Education. 14 November 2017
“Cinema for Refugees Social Inclusion Project intends to contribute to the challenges identified at Europe 2020 initiatives and the European Agenda for Adult Learning as well, where is stressed the need for more cohesive and inclusive EU societies. Watch the interview to the Project Manager Maria Helena Antunes

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