Lisboa, Portugal - Transnational Meeting 5, November 2018
Took place (Nov. 22 and 23, morning) the International Conference & Film Festival- Portugal 2018, Cinema for Social Inclusion (a one and a half day event), at Auditório da Biblioteca Orlando Ribeiro, Lisboa, Portugal (further info at).
It was followed by the final project meeting (Nov. 23, afternoon), which began with the balance of the multiplier event held.
The RefugeesIN team reviewed then the outcomes achieved, the dissemination activity undertaken and discussed further the exploitation progress and plans for future, and started preparing the final report.
The Project fulfilled all the tasks anticipated and all the 4 products of the project were already available at the project website to continue to be widely disseminated by all, which will surely reinforce the visibility and the long term sustainability of the project.
There was unanimous satisfaction with the work done, the Conference held and the decisions taken. Partners reaffirmed how proud they are of the results obtained, confident about the sustainability of RefugeesIN and hopes soon to have a new opportunity to work together for another exciting and challenging European project.