Nazzareno Vasapollo/CND

TELL ME Project
Italian freelancer, Nazzareno Vasapollo is a designer and manager of projects by funded European Union programmes in various areas: Vocational and Educational Training, Adult Education, Culture, International Cooperation, Audiovisuals, Youth, European citizenship, among others. In 2016 he was contracted as an expert by the EU EACEA and COSME agencies to evaluate the projects submitted in response to the Calls “Creative Europe Culture - Support to Refugee Integration” and "Migrants Entrepreneurship Support Schemes”. Nazzareno Vasapollo works with various organizations based in Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Romania and Latvia, countries in which he has carried out various projects in 25 years of activity. He is currently responsible for the European projects of the Comitato il Nobel per I Disabili (Nobel for the Disabled Committee) founded by Dario Fo, Nobel Prize winner for Literature 1997. On the behalf of the Committee, in 2016-2018 he was the Overall Project Manager of the KA2 Erasmus+ project "TELL ME - Theater for Education and Literacy Learning of Migrants in Europe" ( which developed a methodology for using Theater in Literacy of migrants.