Nour Machlah

European Migrant Advisory Board
Syrian Policy Advisor and architect, finishing his master’s degree in architecture at the University of Évora.
Being a refugee in Portugal since 2014, Nour has actively intervened publicly, addressing topics as the integration process of migrants and refugees, Human Rights, peace and war, cross culture, religious dialogue and life and happiness and recently he delivered his TEDx talk about stereotype. Nour was invited many times as a speaker in the European Parliament. He contributed with ideas regarding the new common asylum system in Europe and he represented the European youth forum in the European Parliament discussing the Migration laws and the integration processes in Europe.
He is member of the European Migrant Advisory Board (EMAB) as a policy advisor representing Portugal. The board is one of the projects of the Urban Agenda for the EU Partnership regarding to the inclusion of Migrants and Refugees and his work focuses on the local and European level.